The history of our company

About Us

Of course, every construction and event is different. At yoo! , we coordinate our professional services to meet the full needs of our partners, whether it is yoo! mobile toilet, container or water / sewer network.

In Hungary and the surrounding countries, we offer our personalized solutions, with maximum consideration of local standards, from planning, permitting, to full implementation, and we ensure precise operation. At yoo! we prepares for the overload caused by consumption peaks with careful preparation, precise planning and professional execution. 

We exclude the risk! yoo! is Hungary's market-leading sanitary company takes care of everything at the same time!

yoo Wc logo v2
Yoo Aqua

The beginnings

Cégünk 1991-ben alakult meg Toi Toi Kft. néven, mint Magyarország első mobil WC-fülke kölcsönző vállalkozása. Mára a mindennapi élet részévé váltak a jellegzetes kék színű yoo! „házikók”, legyen szó akár építkezésről, rendezvényekről, sport, szabadidős eseményekről, természeti katasztrófáról. 
In addition to our logistics center in Pilisvörösvár, we cover the entire territory of Hungary from our rural sites with our professional services. From the very beginning, we have placed great emphasis on the continuous training of our employees and the use of modern, environmentally friendly technologies in order to serve our Partners as quickly and to the highest standard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Megőrizve piacvezető szerepünket a yoo! a mai napig is folyamatosan fejleszt, építjük a jövőt szolgáltatásainkkal, állandóan megújuló eszközparkunkkal, egységes képet nyújtva minden rendezvényen, építkezésen. A yoo! szervezete mára teljes körű, „kulcsra kész” szolgáltatást nyújt Ügyfeleinek, legyen szó akár yoo! mobil WC-ről, akár konténerek, mobil víz-csatorna rendszerek kiépítéséről. Innováció, szakértelem, rugalmasság, minőség jellemzi mindennapi munkánkat, a hétköznapokban, és a hétvégeken egyaránt, olyan biztos hátteret nyújtva, amellyel bizton állíthatjuk, Partnereink részére kulcsra kész megoldásokat kínál a yoo! a mobil illemhelyek teljes világában! Tudásunkat megosztva, segítjük Partnereinket, hogy közös csapatunk, Megrendelőink lehető legmagasabb szintű kiszolgálást lehetővé téve, valóban tiszta, higiénikus környezetet biztosítsunk felhasználóinknak, melyben nagy segítségünkre van közel 30 éves tapasztalatunk.

We are proud to carry out our activities under the supervision of the MSZ EN ISO 9001: 2015 quality assurance system and the MSZ EN ISO 14001 environmental management system:


Welcome yoo!

Dear Partner, Dear Friend!

We pursue one of the oldest occupations in the world - if not what it is most often said to be… But in our case the cultured satisfaction of ancient and unavoidable human needs is essential. Emperor Vespasian’s famous saying that “money has no smell” is also related to our craft. We have been working as Toi Toi Ltd. since 1991, and during that time our previous name has burned into the brains of users, customers and even the people of the street.

What can change in such a truly traditional business that makes it worth changing our name? Not much on the user's side. You want fast, efficient, clean service now and then. For our part, however, we have to meet more and more demands. Fortunately, the use is becoming more widespread, and the number of large events is constantly increasing. Hungary is becoming an increasingly popular tourist destination and there are more and more guest attraction programs that require professional sanitary equipment and the team that operates it.

In the past, it was enough to put out a sufficient number of mobile toilets. Today, we also offer classic mobile toilet cubicles with a variety of equipment, taking into account the needs of our partners to the maximum, whether with a hand basin or a crane compatible! Continuously expanding the equipment of our company, we provide a full range of services, both in the field of mobile toilets and in traditional office or sanitary containers, as well as mobile bathrooms and apartments providing the possibility of complete cleaning, if our customers shape their needs. Of course, we are not afraid to satisfy special individual needs either, our employees will satisfy everything special with skill!

We do all this, protecting our environment as much as possible, by using completely environmentally friendly, recycled products, and we strive for the waste generated in the course of our work to be fully recycled!

So, taking these facts into account, preserving the experience of the past more than 27 years, in line with the XXI. For the challenges of the 20th century, we have decided on renewal, not only in the field of services, but also in our name and appearance, we are renewing and rejuvenating! Welcome yoo!

Our new name is yooWC Kommunális Szolgáltató Kft

Our employees, still available on our old phone numbers, are available every minute of the day, because not only at a festival or concert, but also on weekdays or holidays, at any minute of the day, outside of normal “normal” working hours, there may be disruptions or new, unexpected needs. That's why we are constantly available by phone and online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to deliver the solution to you at any time!

We hope that our customers will say 'JÓ!' Or 'YOO!' Many times in the future, because we are working for their satisfaction under the new name, the new logo.

International presence

We have always been confident that, thanks to Hungary's excellent location, we can extend our services to the surrounding countries, even when we founded our company, we envisioned that yoo! to introduce its services to the population of Central Europe. 

Hungary's accession to the European Union in 2004 created a great platform for this, and at the same time as breaking down borders, we set out to introduce our ever-expanding services to European markets.

Our constant presence is a great proof of our high quality services that yoo! is now an active player not only in the Hungarian but also in the Austrian , German and Slovak markets, contributing to the for successful sanitation.

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