General maintenance contract

On the one hand, yoo WC Kommunális Szolgáltató LTD. (hereinafter: Service Provider), resp. on the other hand, between the Customer , the precisely described mobile toilet cubicle or for the maintenance of the container, in accordance with the following conditions and the business policy guidelines set out in point 9, at the rate specified in the order confirmation. The maintenance activity under this contract covers the treatment and disposal of municipal liquid waste and the maintenance of the equipment used to perform this activity.

1. The toilet cubicle or a container may be requested by a legal entity or an individual who has reached the age of 18 and provides creditworthy proof of permanent residence and employment (or source of income). In the case of a legal entity, in addition to a firm order and the use of a company stamp, the toilet cubicle or container is provided by yoo WC LTD. shall hand over to the contractor's agent, whose details are included in the order. The customer is obliged to provide the Service Provider with delivery or transportation and a during maintenance on a paved road surface to the toilet cubicle or place max. Provide unobstructed access within a distance of 8 m. Of this The Service Provider shall not be liable for any failure to maintain the toilet cubicle or the container due to failure to do so. The additional costs of performing the missed maintenance shall be borne by the Customer.

2. The Service Provider may refuse to deliver the toilet cubicle or container if the Customer has an overdue debt to the Service Provider or if the Service Provider pays the maintenance fee or the toilet cubicle or container. the intended use of the container or does not consider the preservation of its condition to be assured. The toilet cubicle or the container is forbidden to rent or lend to anyone else.

3. The toilet cubicle or container is filled with disinfectant and with its accessories handed over by yoo WC LTD. to the Customer. The contractor is obliged to use the toilet cubicle or return the container and its accessories in the same condition as when they were handed over, except for normal wear and tear.

4. The Customer is obliged to use the toilet cubicle owned by the Service Provider or Handle containers and their accessories and the documents handed over to them carefully to protect them from damage. The toilet cubicle or In case of theft of the container or damage to it (damage, burns, etc.), the Customer is obliged to use the toilet cubicle. to compensate the Service Provider for the damage caused on the container and to pay a flat-rate compensation of HUF 380,000 for the purpose of compensation. (The Customer's responsibility is from the placement to the return.). The customer is obliged to notify the office in writing of the expiry of the placement period. This contract can only be terminated in writing with 1 week notice. Service provider maintenance fee in case of debt resp. if the Customer does not use the toilet cubicle or container The Service Provider is entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect and the toilet cubicle or container with immediate effect. The termination by the Customer is valid only together with the confirmation by the Service Provider. Customer only can hand over the toilet cubicle resp. container exclusively to a colleague of yoo WC LTD. for removal.

5. The calculation of the maintenance fee is based on the number of maintenance and disembarkations, the fees of which are included in the current price list. The time periods to be counted are:
Short term: 1-4 days
Medium term: min. 1 week - max. Up to 4 weeks,
Long term: min. For a period of up to 5 weeks - with billing every 4 calendar weeks - in case of cancellation in a fractional month, the billing will take place according to the weeks started.
Minimum duration: 1 day (24 hours).

6. The maintenance fee (service fee) includes:
- the treatment of liquid municipal waste, its removal and the maintenance of the related equipment, the provision of hygienic conditions,
- installation, resp. re-installation (to Budapest, in addition to the cost per kilometer to be invoiced according to an individual agreement),
- commissioning,
- in case of a minimum period of 1 week, once a week full maintenance, disinfection, external-internal washing, with chemicals, resp. paper loading. The customer is obliged to use the toilet cubicle or check the maintenance of the container and record your comments on the journey form.

7. If the Customer hand over late the toilet cubicle or container to yoo WC LTD. the invoice will be issued until the day of the return. In the event of a container failure or accident, the Customer shall immediately notify the Service Provider in writing of one of the fax numbers indicated on the other side. The yoo WC LTD. is obliged to rectify the fault in the toilet cubicle or by repairing or replacing a container. The yoo WC LTD does not guarantee any damages caused by the failure or damage of the toilet cubicle and container. The toilet cubicle or repair bills incurred due to container failure does not reimburse the Customer by yoo WC LTD.

8. The business policy guidelines governing the contract are recognized by yoo WC LTD. as binding on itself and are also considered to be followed by the Customer. Accordingly, special attention should be paid to fairness and compliance with applicable laws. Increased responsibility must be taken to comply with the rules on health, safety and the environment and the principles of competition law.

9. The Service Provider and the Customer shall settle any disputes arising from the business relationship between them primarily in an amicable manner. In case of failure of the conciliation, depending on the value of the lawsuit, the Szentendre City Court or the exclusive jurisdiction of the Pest County Court is stipulated.

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